Clemens Habicht 1000 Colour Wheel – Mindconnect Australia

Clemens Habicht 1000 Colour Wheel


Where play meets theory. The wheel demonstrates classic theories of harmonic and dissonant colour schemes. Place each of the 1000 individual colours in perfect order to reveal the complementary, triadic and split complementary systems.

“The colour wheel is the quintessential artist’s tool. Since Isaac Newton’s first circular diagram of colour in the 1600s, wrapping the visible spectrum of colour around a circle has given artists a formula to understand the relationships between each hue. It reveals not only the physical theory of how different colours are created, but also the psychology behind the perception of some colour combinations as right and others as wrong.”

– Clemens Habicht

Assembled dimensions: 67.5cm diameter
Features: 1000 pieces, linen-textured finish, soft-click technology
Made in Germany